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Moong Dal with Zucchini and Coriander

26 Sep

Moong Dal with Zucchini

Moong dal pairs well with gourds: my much-clicked recipe of ridge gourd moong dal is ample proof of that. This recipe combines moong dal with another similar gourd – the zucchini – with some green leafy goodness added to the mix. It’s homey, light and lemony, the kind that inspires coinages such as “comfort food”.

Adzuki Bean Salad with Greens, Cherry Tomatoes, Pears and Cheese

26 Mar

Adzuki Bean Leafy Salad

A colorful salad bowl with an assortment of flavors and nutrients. Fresh leaves, walnuts and cheese, crunchy pear cubes, juicy cherry tomatoes give company to adzuki beans in this recipe.


Spinach in Spiced Coconut Milk

18 Sep

Spinach in Spiced Coconut Milk

Spinach and coconut milk are partners made in heaven – the creaminess of coconut plays off the mild bitterness of spinach beautifully. With a bowl of plain rice on the side, spinach in spiced coconut milk makes for an immensely satisfying meal.


Laal Saag: Easy Red Spinach Stir Fry

24 Sep

Laal Saag - Red Spinach Stir Fry

Laal saag (red spinach), with its delightful color, adds sparkle to any meal it is served with. This Bihar-style easy red spinach stir fry is one of my favorites ways to have this veggie.


10 Tasty Spinach Recipes to Bring Out the Popeye in You!

21 Oct

Tasty spinach recipes that would coax even the staunchest spinach opponent into a change of heart. From palak paneer to spinach pasta, my pick of recipes from the blog that use this lush leafy vegetable in varied avatars.


Quick Weeknight Dinners with 3 Make-Ahead Food Parts

31 Aug

Weekdays are busy times for many of us who come back from work late evening and then fix a meal. We want easy weeknight dinners that take little time to move from kitchen to plate. [Not counting the blessed few like Rohit’s boss who can whip up a fancy meal at that hour ;) ]

One could cook loads on Sunday and freeze for the week. But that’s not so exciting, is it? So how does one attain that elusive balance between easy + quick (pre-cooked) and tasty + interesting (freshly cooked)?

Here’s a middle ground.

Make ahead food parts. Mix and match. Embellish.

Use the Pareto Principle to your advantage: identify the steps in cooking that consume a majority time and labor, and do them beforehand. The chopping of greens. The slow-frying of spices. The boiling of dal. When the time comes to make your weeknight dinner, all that remains to be done is the remaining 20% of cooking that produces 80% of the result.


Palak Toor Dal: Spinach with Lentils

22 Jun

Palak toor dal (spinach with yellow pigeon pea lentils) has everything your nutritionist would give the nod to – and your palate would agree. Proteins, minerals, iron, and great taste!
