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Adzuki Bean Salad with Greens, Cherry Tomatoes, Pears and Cheese

26 Mar

Adzuki Bean Leafy Salad

A colorful salad bowl with an assortment of flavors and nutrients. Fresh leaves, walnuts and cheese, crunchy pear cubes, juicy cherry tomatoes give company to adzuki beans in this recipe.


Pear Mint Ginger Juice

18 Feb

Pear Mint Ginger Juice

Pears complement greens beautifully in juices. Their sweet, aromatic flesh adds volume and rich flavor to juice, masking less-pleasant ingredients (thinking kale?) in the mix. Pears are a good source of vitamins C and K, along with essential minerals.

This pear mint ginger juice dresses the goodness of raw ginger and mint in a pear base. Ginger and mint have digestive/medicinal properties; combined with pears, this juice works wonderfully as a palate cleanser.
