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Liebster Blog Award

1 May

I’m excited to receive my very first blog award – the Liebster Blog Award – thanks to themustardseed, a lovely blog of which every recipe makes me think "this is MY kind of food" and every photograph whets my appetite. Thank you, themustardseed!

Liebster Blog Award

Now is my turn to pass on the award. The rules are:

  • Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
  • Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
  • Give your top 5 picks for the award.
  • Inform your top 5 by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Post the award on your blog.

Forwarding the award to 5 food blogs I was instantly hooked on to and now enjoy reading regularly.


5 Fun Food Movies in Hindi

20 Feb

Mothers in Hindi movies may dish out copious amounts of halwa and kheer for their beloved betas but it is the men who rule the roost when it comes to playing food-centric roles on celluloid.


25 Hindi Idioms Inspired By Food

8 Nov

When food couples with language, delicious idioms are born.

My mother tongue Hindi invokes the nature, tastes, colors and characteristics of food with great wit and insight in these idioms.

1. Aam ke aam, gutliyon ke daam

mangoes but also their pits

Used when you make a killing with a deal or decision, profiting on even the valueless peripherals.
